Hello and welcome to 7th Step.

The transitional process between primary and secondary school can be a cause of anxiety for students and parents/guardians. Having to adapt to the different systems in secondary schools such as the need to move from class to class for different subjects, adapting to different subject teachers’ teaching styles, bullying (physical and cyber), forming new friendship groups and newfound independence are just some of the potential experiences that students may find unsettling. 

At 7th-Step we provide a range of online workshops to help and support students and parents/guardians to manage the transition between key stage 2 (year 6) to key stage 3 (year 7). We know how important students’ emotional wellbeing is as well as the need for learners to feel safe so that leaners can settle quickly and ensure that the teaching and learning experience in the secondary phase is effective. 

Managing Change and Transition

This workshop supports learners with managing change and transition. Students will be helped to navigate the emotional and social aspects of moving from primary to secondary school.

Peer Relationships and Social Skills

This workshop supports and encourages positive communication, collaboration, and friendship-building.

Digital Literacy

This workshop deals with the techniques of keeping personal information safe, cyberbullying and social networking.

Welcome to year 7

This workshop will give an insight into what students can expect in their first few weeks and throughout year 7. Students will be made aware of the tutor group structure, teaching set (if applicable) and year team staff such as form tutor, pastoral manager, and head of year and their roles etc.